
Dance Barn: Uncle Jake and the 18 Wheel Gang



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About Uncle Jake and the 18 Wheel Gang

Beginning as campfire jam, this jug-less Jug-Grass adventure quickly blazed an unrivaled path through the local Pennsylvanian bar and festival scene, scooping up and dropping off many a rambler and a gambler, leaving only to shape it’s current, touring, name-droppin’, finger poppin’ line-up of Uncle Jake & the 18 Wheel Gang.
UJ18 is Brady James (guitar/suitcase), Lefty Wilson (three-jo), Adam Moyer (Accordion), Brandon Reber (washboard), Zak (mandolin), and Kyle (upright bass).
The Gang can be seen performing songs that have traditionally been originals, alongside some more tunes that are originally traditionals that can be heard reverberating out of the heart of most town and city folk alike, from any mountain tavern, campfire, or late night stage across this side of the continent, and will definitely be seen soon in a venue near you for a reasonably nominal fee of… Shoot us a line at UncleJakeGang@gmail.com.
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